Lee Gardens 利園

平面設計, 網頁設計及開發

Lee Gardens F&B Dining Guide

Lee Gardens 利園區商場美食指南

For this Lee Gardens dining guide project, our team decided to Cantonese cuisine as the art direction of the project. Elegance and classy were the main visual vocabularies, and therefore we adopted the watercolor style of graphics to follow this direction of design.

Lee Gardens F&B Dining GuideLee Gardens F&B Dining Guide

網站設計: 外賣送餐推介

After the COVID-19 outbreak, Hysan Development decided to act quickly to build a takeaway & delivery directory website, in order to help their tenants to survive this pandemic event. We worked closely with Lee Gardens marketing team to design and develop the directory website in only a short period of time.

Deelicious Lee Garden Takeaway & Delivery Website


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