GIF 動態貼圖

IP 角色開發, Motion Graphic 貼圖

Capsubeans LINE Stickers Animated Stickers - Whastapp

GIF 動態貼圖設計

Our team designed great animated gif stickers as a tool to promote our own character IP in this digital world. We created lots of sticker packs among different social media platforms and instant messengers, such as WhatsApp, LINE, Instagram and WeChat.

WhatsApp 貼圖

Series 1: Capsubeans之日常

Capsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF Stickers


Series 2: Capsubeans 之日常 2

Capsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF Stickers

WeChat 表情包

Series 1: Capsubeans 之日常 1

Capsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF Stickers

Series 2: Capsubeans 之工作日常

Capsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF StickersCapsubeans Animated GIF Stickers


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